Today in our who cares section, I am just going to talk about what I have been up to this week. I have reached level 50 in Lost Ark, I am just as lost as ever. The game seems to get quite a bit more complex once you hit 50. I haven’t finished the MSQ or Main Story Quest yet. I have still yet to talk to anyone in the game despite the hoards of people running around. I am trying to give the game a fair shot, but it seems really top end heavy and that typically hasn’t been something that’s kept me hooked for long. I am more apt to enjoy a game that has a nice balance and features along the ride to the top. Basically more horizontal progression and less vertical. Games like Everquest have been a staple for me for years and continue to provide me with enjoyment. Over the last year or more I really got in to Square’s Final Fantasy 14 MMO. With a system in place to ensure that old content is continuously valuable, it keeps the world feeling alive with players.

Gaming Updates

League of Legends has continued to be a thorn in my side. I often think about how something I’ve learned in a podcast or YouTube video might be cool to try. With the durability patch, it has been increasingly hard to find cohesion in a team. I think I mentioned in the last blog post I am on some what of a losing streak. (6 wins out of my last 22 games at the time of writing.) I have continued to be apart of teams that perform well in the early game, and then just seem to lose it. I have also had more instant feedback reports in the last week than I have had in the entire 2022 season. I am not sure what is bringing on this toxicity, but it sure does get tiring. “But Pawn, can’t you just mute?” You might ask. Yes, yes I can. How ever, like most of my games it is such a coin flip on when the toxicity will occur. A lot of teams really enjoy coordination and it plays a big part in the game. Some teams you can tell right from draft that they are going to need to be muted. I try to give teams the benefit of the doubt, but even when I do end up needing to mute, post game chat is a circus. The instant feedback says:

However, I find it very hard to believe that for most of the people I have reported, it is their first time getting a penalty. Anyway, that is where I stand with league, it is such a love hate relationship.

Game Night

Tonight will be the first of hopefully quite a few game nights with people in my online gaming community. This is a concoction of IRL friends and long time gaming buddies over the last several years. While I am not sure what is on tonight’s menu, I know it will be fun. I have been pushing for some nights like this pretty hard over the last couple of weeks. I miss very much the social aspect of gaming and while I myself play many games, others in my circle are not so fortunate with their time. Some games I am hoping to see over the course of these nights are things like TF2, Overwatch, Apex Legends, Counter-Strike and more. I am looking for ideas on games that are easily accessible (read: cheap or free) so that we can pull more and more of our online friends in to the games and make some fun memories. I also plan on streaming these nights when possible, which you can check out in my socials links on the top of the page.

Money money money

Lastly for my thoughts this evening, I have begun investing in a process called Domaining or Domain Flipping. The idea behind this is to purchase domain names and resell them for a profit. This, for now, is just a hobby and I will not be investing big money in to it. However I have already purchased 5 domain names, and sold 2 out of the 5. The entry fee is fairly cheap, and I was able to turn a %1000 profit on one name, and a %2000 profit on another. Netting a total of $300 for a cost of $24. I have taken this money and will turn around and invest it back in to the idea. If this turns in to something that would be great, but for now it gives me something to do and I have really enjoyed learning all about it.

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