The WoW Classic hotfixes for April 28th include a change to the Battleground holiday...
Continuing their measures to improve the queue time on the highest populated Classic realms,...
Blizzard has restricted character creation on a few overly popular realms realms and enabled...
Zul’Gurub is arriving in Classic WoW today! We have released several guides to help...
We’ve updated our Class Guides with Best in Slot for Phase 4, Zul’Gurub, and...
Blizzard has updated their bluepost clarifying that Silithus and Cenarion Circle quests are making...
Zul’Gurub goes live with Phase 4 of Classic WoW on April 15th, and with...
A lot has happened over the course of the last few weeks. With changes...
Blizzard has announced that they have issued numerous suspensions to WoW Classic accounts that...
Blizzard has revealed the Battleground Holiday schedule in WoW Classic–Warsong Gulch will be first...