A lot has happened over the course of the last few weeks. With changes in players playing habits queue times and server population have become an increasing obstacle for Blizzard. In order to combat this, Blizzard had opened up the ability for guilds to migrate to various servers in an attempt to even out the population. As with most things Blizzard, this idea was only half thought through, if even that much. Linked is a video that does a good job of explaining the situation and the events that have led us to this point.

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So that brings us to our current situation. Alt Run along with thousands of other players have made the decision to move to another server. On the night of April 10th, after finishing raid nights, the guild complied feedback from its members and put a vote out. The vote was overwhelmingly in favor of transferring and further more, transferring to Earthfury. This move was executed that evening. There were only a few players who chose not to transfer with the guild at this time, and I’d like to give a special thanks to those players for making *my* time on Incendius as great as it was. I hope to meet up with you again in the future, and wish you lots of luck and loot where ever you end up in the meantime.

With that said, the guild took one last vote that evening, and that was wether or not to rename. While Alt Run was a well respected and liked guild on Incendius, we felt as if our new home deserved a new name.

At this time, I am proud to announce that Alt-Run has become Guild Mentality.

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