‘One of the best changes ever’: LoL players rejoice over removal of overpowered rune

‘One of the best changes ever’: LoL players rejoice over removal of overpowered rune

‘One of the best changes ever’: LoL players rejoice over removal of overpowered rune

One of the biggest League of Legends patches in 14.10 is on the horizon, and in a surprise move, the devs are completely scrapping one of the game’s most powerful runes in Lethal Tempo. So far, players are thrilled about its removal and can’t wait for the update next fortnight.

League players discussed the rune’s removal and what it means for the meta in a Reddit thread this weekend. “Purely from a balance and feel-good standpoint, [Lethal Tempo]’s removal is one of the best recent changes ever made,” one player said. “Weak early game champions weren’t as weak as they should’ve been: Yasuo [and] Yone especially. Even Kayle could win level 1 against a Darius/Olaf if they kited properly and took LT.” The player emphasized that several champions had their weaknesses completely removed by the rune, avoiding any counter-play because they could just run up to you and one-shot you.

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