‘Not enough counterplay’: VALORANT players suggest changes to ‘overbuffed’ agent

‘Not enough counterplay’: VALORANT players suggest changes to ‘overbuffed’ agent

‘Not enough counterplay’: VALORANT players suggest changes to ‘overbuffed’ agent

VALORANT’s meta never stays stagnant, thanks to Riot Games regularly adding updates and keeping it fresh. Unfortunately, agent updates may not always be balanced. For example, Patch 7.09 brought meta-stirring changes to Cypher’s Trapwires, making him an unavoidable sentinel—and players naturally aren’t delighted about the terror he inflicts.

On Reddit, a player stirred a major discussion on Cypher’s reign in the current state of VALORANT, stressing how crucial it is to pick the Moroccan spy on most maps. Calling him “obviously the best sentinel currently,” they highlighted the unarguable benefits of picking Cypher—unranged traps and lots of intel—over other sentinels like Chamber and Sage. “I think they nerfed Chamber and Sage more than they should have,” the post concluded, insisting that it’s time to adjust the weaker sentinels to reduce the “overuse” of Cypher.

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