Epic wanted Samus in Fortnite—but Nintendo wanted exclusivity

Epic wanted Samus in Fortnite—but Nintendo wanted exclusivity

Epic wanted Samus in Fortnite—but Nintendo wanted exclusivity

While Fortnite undoubtedly provides an incredible battle royale experience, a great deal of its success comes from Epic Games’ exciting crossovers with other popular franchises. Unfortunately for fans, a potentially epic collaboration apparently didn’t see the light of day because of Nintendo’s obstinacy.

As revealed by Epic’s former Chief Creative Officer Donald Mustard in an interview with Game File, Fortnite cosmetics inspired by the popular video game series Metroid were in the works, but Nintendo was apparently “hung up on their characters showing up on platforms that weren’t their platforms,” according to Mustard. “They would be thrilled to have Nintendo characters in Fortnite, but just only if it’s on their platform,” he explained. 

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