Tinyviolin banned from WoW Hardcore after wiping group for second time

Tinyviolin banned from WoW Hardcore after wiping group for second time

Tinyviolin banned from WoW Hardcore after wiping group for second time

On Feb. 18, Tinyviolin struck again and wiped their raid in World of Warcraft Classic Hardcore, but Blizzard Entertainment was quick to punish them by banning them from the game.

While raiding with the guild HC Elite, a group of players on WoW Classic Hardcore realms where death is permanent, Tinyviolin intentionally wiped their raid at C’Thun, the final boss of the Temple of Ahn’Qiraj. Luckily, some players were quick to use their Flasks of Petrification and survived, but many weren’t so lucky.

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