Continuing with the Monday Night Pug series, some new updates have been announced by...
Riot announced some big changes to the TFT pass system for Set 3, as...
Blizzard has announced that Arathi Basin will open on March 10th, with Zul’Gurub and...
The WoW Classic PTR is now available, with character copy enabled for the two...
Rounding out our Phase 3 tier lists, we’re looking at healers in Blackwing Lair....
Blackwing Lair has been live for over a week now, so we’re diving back...
Today we’re taking a look at the best tanking classes in Phase 3 of...
PATCH HIGHLIGHTS TRAITS Crystal Damage Threshold: 100/60 ⇒ 110/60 Glacial Chance to Stun: 20%/35%/50%...
Congratulations, LoL fans, on surviving the long, cold month of January and making it...
Welcome back to another MNP post! Tonight the guild teamed up with Blacklisted to...