The report comes alongside the confirmed closure of Onoma, formerly known as Square Enix...
Embracer Group is hitting both gamers and its developers with a one-two punch today...
Apparently it's part of a pivot away from mobile games.
Dwarf Fortress is a game that over the last two decades has been both...
Hearthstone March of the Lich King interview: Death Knight class, Manathirst keyword and Undead...
FURIA vs. GamerLegion highlights day 3 of IEM Rio CS:GO Major
Sh1ro, Cloud9 eliminate fan-favorite Imperial from IEM Rio CS:GO Major
Dallas Fuel tank Hanbin believes ‘100 percent’ in his team
ESL take action to stop crowd influence at IEM Rio Major
Call of Duty is a grind, and Modern Warfare 2 is no exception. The...