The games industry is incredibly secretive, but that never stops folks from eventually spilling...
The Microsoft Gaming CEO didn't repeat the famous Miyamoto quote, but he came pretty...
True to its roots in the genre from which it takes its name, many...
Maybe along with the Fallout TV series, there should be a Fallout movie.
Lost Ark Update Will Add the Reaper, Overhaul the Tripod, and Change the Economy...
RODE Upgrades a Classic and Launches the NT-USB+ Microphone
CS:GO Major qualification won’t be the same after these 2023 changes from Valve
The Leader Pass will debut in November with a dozen all-new leaders and six...
New World Brings Back the Giant Turkey, and Will Merge Some Legacy Servers After Fresh Start Success
New World Brings Back the Giant Turkey, and Will Merge Some Legacy Servers After...
Microsoft recently published an Xbox transparency report that offers some details on how it...