Frustrated Pokémon Scarlet and Violet players dream up fix for ongoing Tera Raid issue
In 2021 Mythic Games, with the backing of Ubisoft, announced a Kickstarter campaign for...
Larvesta is highlighting Pokémon Go’s exhausting progression problems
One powerful Dota 2 hero controls Berlin Major’s meta but keeps escaping bans
First MSI flop emerges as one LoL jungler sinks to zero percent win rate...
CS:GO update issue may be to blame for CS2 beta players being kicked early
Microsoft isn't exactly on fire with exclusives this year, so consider cutting Game Pass...
A fascinating look at the detective work required to fix a complicated bug.
Frosty future: Why VALORANT pros are dropping Sage in droves
One Destiny 2 class is dominating Guardian Games as players pay tribute to Lance...