Are you prepared to watch the Eagles snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...
Brew and chug a potion whenever I want to save my game? Cool idea....
Six years after releasing the first Onimusha on PC, Capcom's finally giving Onimusha 2...
Armstrong has been with Ultima Online since its early days at Origin Systems.
The Royal Rumble event remains a crowd favorite, and with its combination of surprise...
Ángel Manuel Soto (Blue Beetle) will direct, and Jack Ryan writer Aaron Rabin is...
Kingdom Come 2's crime system is brutal and impressive.
The Sims released 25 years ago today. To celebrate this milestone, EA is running...
After years of legal battles between Disney and anyone who dared to put one...
In 2021, Netflix made the unusual move of purchasing Oxenfree maker Night School Studio....