The Best Video Game Characters Of 2023

Nearly every conversation I’ve had about Baldur’s Gate 3 this year has started with a series of questions: “Can I see your character? And who are you romancing?” More often than not, I’m more interested in hearing how the characters people make and meet are helping them write their own stories than I am talking about…Read more...

Nearly every conversation I’ve had about Baldur’s Gate 3 this year has started with a series of questions: “Can I see your character? And who are you romancing?” More often than not, I’m more interested in hearing how the characters people make and meet are helping them write their own stories than I am talking about…Read more...

Nearly every conversation I’ve had about Baldur’s Gate 3 this year has started with a series of questions: “Can I see your character? And who are you romancing?” More often than not, I’m more interested in hearing how the characters people make and meet are helping them write their own stories than I am talking about…

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