Bethesda’s response to Starfield criticism proves it was doomed from the start
Bethesda’s response to Starfield criticism proves it was doomed from the start

At this point, you’ve likely seen Bethesda’s responses to criticism of Starfield, which tend to be as wide and repetitive as the game’s NASA Punk universe. Many players just think the game is boring, and Bethesda can’t stop trying to explain to them how they’re wrong.

There are legitimate gripes with the game’s story, mission design, and its resemblance to something of a fast-travel simulator. But the complaint that still resonates with me months after playing more than 50 hours of Starfield content is that there was simply nothing keeping me playing outside of ticking off some quest boxes. I found and customized the ship I wanted, I completed the faction quests that were interesting to me and got through the main campaign, and at the end of it, I found… not much. Just a big, empty universe that was tedious to comb through. 

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