Rockstar drops Social Club name as GTA 6 reveal draws near
Rockstar drops Social Club name as GTA 6 reveal draws near

Do you remember the Rockstar Social Club connected to various Rockstar games? If not, then don’t worry, it might not matter anymore. Rockstar appears to be rebranding it completely.

As reported by PC Gamer, every reference to the Rockstar Social Club platform looks to have vanished. On the Rockstar Games official website, you won’t find any mention of it. Social Club logos that were once visible have been replaced with a Rockstar logo, and part of the text on the website has been reworded. The change was first noticed by Twitter user Ben. He pointed out that the naming scheme Social Club has changed to Rockstar Games or Rockstar Games Platform, showing a picture with a comparison in the wording of the text: “Join over 200 million Rockstar Games members worldwide on the official Rockstar Games platform to enhance your gaming experience.”

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