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Worlds 2023 x Secretlab – Ergonomics for pro esports athletes

Worlds 2023 is about to enter its final stages with the match between WBG and T1 on November 19. In a season where these two teams played thousands and thousands of hours to get to the Worlds 2023 Grand Finals, we spoke with Secretlab about the importance of ergonomics in the modern era of esports.

Photo Credit: Riot Games

Secretlab and their relentless effort to provide the best comfort for players at LoL Worlds 2023

Secretlab has had a key role in LoL Esports throughout the past few years, becoming global sponsor and the official Chair Partner for five consecutive years. The long-standing partnership between Riot Games and the gaming chair company is the perfect proof that Secretlab provides the ultimate seating experience for gamers, allowing them to deliver at their best in high-stakes matches like the ones at Worlds. Aside from mechanics and strategy, seating comfort also plays a major role in esports, as it can impact players’ performance and health, especially in a stressful environment like gaming.

NRG competing on stage at Worlds 2023. Photo Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Games

“Being a professional esports player is incredibly taxing to both the body and the mind,” said Dr. Lindsey Migliore, Esports Medicine & PMR Physician and founder of GamerDoc. “Because of the relentless schedule, repetitive motions required to play, and little time off, players are susceptible to both musculoskeletal and nerve injuries to the body.

In most situations, players end up not seeing treatment and wait until the offseason to rehabilitate. But for the teams that qualify for international tournaments like Worlds, their schedule gets dragged out, leading to even shorter recovery times.

“Most teams not only have intense scrimmages during the day but players end up also playing solo queue at night. Coupled with sleep deprivation from jet lag, players often increase their training load and decrease rest right before these competitions,” added Migliore.

Read more: LoL Worlds 2023 stats ahead of Finals

Design is key to providing the best comfort for players

Image Credit: Secretlab

Overlooking these factors can easily lead to burnout, wrist injuries, and other serious issues that can heavily influence the players’ and thus the teams’ performances. This is why Secretlab works with professionals like Migliore to design the best gaming chair possible for long gaming sessions.

We believe that movement is key to relieving stress on your body,” says Vincent Sim, Head of Industrial Design at Secretlab. “Our chairs are designed to free you from the constraints of a typical chair, encouraging natural movement while still providing the right amount of comfort and support. Features like the proprietary pebble seat base in our TITAN Evo guide bodies to the middle for more even pressure distribution, while the flared edges create ample room for movements.

According to Migliore, most players cannot get into a correct posture due to the screen being extremely close to their faces. “For these individuals, stretching or taking breaks during rounds or timeouts is incredibly important,” she added.

Transitioning from professionals to everyday users

Gaming chairs are not only made for esports athletes but they also cater to people who work at their workstations for extended periods of time. “Today, we alternate between typing out reports, doubling down on virtual calls, gaming, and even taking naps,” said Sim. “We don’t just stay in one position either — during each activity, we’ll naturally find ourselves shifting and adjusting our posture.”

All these factors have been taken into consideration by Secretlab as they aim to provide comfort while reducing the likelihood of injuries or postural problems. The company’s 4-way L-ADAPT Lumbar System meets this goal, allowing you to flex the curvature of the pine as you shift from one posture to another.

JDG Missing on stage at Worlds 2023. Photo Credit: Colin Young-Wolff/Riot Game

Aside from lumbar support, Migliore also mentioned foot and arm positions as key elements to reduce stress and improve the sitting experience: “Armrests should allow the forearms to lay horizontal and avoid any excessive pressure on the inside of the elbow,” she said

Migliore also revealed the best practices to ensure the best comfort while seated. She highlighted that feet should be planted on the floor first. This can be done by adjusting the height of the seat, followed by the height of the desk. If you’re not able to reach the ground, then Secretlab also offers Professional Footrest to fix that issue. She also mentioned that an individual’s lower back should be firmly against the back of the seat and that when taking breaks, the individual should move and keep the joints fluid.

Read more: LoL Worlds 2023 Knockout stage – Results, schedule, and more

From theory to practice: how Secretlab meticulously designs its products

Secretlab are leaders in the gaming chair space thanks to its focus on ergonomics and multidisciplinary approach to the design and development process. Their flagship product, the TITAN Evo, is engineered to deliver even weight distribution while also guaranteeing full customization so that each person can find their preferred support and position.

Image Credit: Secretlab/Riot Games

“Each design is then put through a battery of user tests, such as pressure mapping, to ensure that these concepts hold up through real-life usage to ensure the ultimate comfort for our end-users,” said Sim. “Other brands have tried to copy our chairs over the years, but without understanding why our product is designed as it is, this often results in failure to bring a cohesive design that advances long-term ergonomic comfort.”

With the Worlds 2023 Finals on our way, Secretlab will be supporting both WBG and T1 with their gaming chairs and allow players to deliver the best performance possible, in the most comfortable way.

Read more: LoL Patch 13.23

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