Modern Warfare III Haters Are Review-Bombing The Wrong Game

We probably agree that “Modern Warfare III” is a bad name for a brand-new Call of Duty game. It doesn’t help that 2011 first-person shooter Modern Warfare 3 is, to this day, a fan-favorite title in the neverending war series, while series reboot Modern Warfare III, which releases officially on November 10, is…Read more...

We probably agree that “Modern Warfare III” is a bad name for a brand-new Call of Duty game. It doesn’t help that 2011 first-person shooter Modern Warfare 3 is, to this day, a fan-favorite title in the neverending war series, while series reboot Modern Warfare III, which releases officially on November 10, is…Read more...

We probably agree that “Modern Warfare III” is a bad name for a brand-new Call of Duty game. It doesn’t help that 2011 first-person shooter Modern Warfare 3 is, to this day, a fan-favorite title in the neverending war series, while series reboot Modern Warfare III, which releases officially on November 10, is…

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