Apex Legends Season 19: New Legend Conduit Abilities and Cross Progression Explained
Apex Legends Season 19: New Legend Conduit Abilities and Cross Progression Explained

Apex Legends is dropping Season 19 Ignite October 31st and players will be getting a new Legend Conduit, new map changes, cross progression, and more quality of life changes. There have been a handful of Legend and Weapon adjustments too to keep things fresh. Here’s everything you need to know about Apex Legends Ignite.

New Legend: Conduit

Conduit is the 25th Legend coming to Apex. She’s the first Filipino Legend who was a huge fan of the Apex Games before she decided to step into the arena. Conduit is a support Legend with a focus on healing shields.

Here’s how her kit works:

Passive: Save Your SpeedConduit gets a speed burst when she’s facing her teammates’ direction who are out of her Tactical’s range. Think of it as a variation of Bangalore’s Passive Double-Time.Tactical: Radiant TransferConduit provides temporary shield regeneration for herself and her teammates. The temporary shields only regen up to three shield bars and the regen can be paused if the player with the effect gets damaged. The regen and temporary shields deplete after a few seconds.Ultimate: Energy BarricadeConduit throws out seven shield gen devices that are thrown out in a line that can cover a large or small amount of space (depending on your environment). The devices will pulse and connect, slowing and damaging enemies 10 ticks per second when they’re in the pulse range.

If Conduit’s abilities and backstory look a little familiar, it’s because she built her kit from salvaging a modified Monarch Titan’s battery. The battery is extremely radioactive and Conduit suffers from radiation damage, but she was able to build her Apex Games suit around energy healing with the help of this Titan battery.

Conduit provides a very good option for teams to utilize to maximize survivability. A support with movement tech will be extremely helpful in tough skirmishes or if a Conduit player has to escape a fight to heal, then come back to rescue her teammates. The temporary shield ability being hit at the right time means the difference between winning and losing a fight.

Stormpoint Changes

The planet Gaia was hit by a major storm that damaged the infrastructure of Stormpoint. Major work was done by many forces to bring the Apex map to working order. Stormpoint now has several POIs that have been destroyed and rebuilt to provide energy to the planet.

The Syndicate is here and Wattson is helping to try and restore power to the city. ECHO, the clean up crew, also here to try and help the environment recover. Since there are so many hands trying to fix up Stormpoint, there are Six new POIs added to the map.

Some of these new POIs are replacing previous locations. Devastated Coast now lives where Fish Farm was and Wattson’s Pylon replaces the space between Storm Catcher and Launch Pad. In addition, there are no more Prowlers scattered throughout the map and Jurassic was completely replaced.

The overall map size has been reduced, with Lightning Rod brought in and having less playable surface and the coastline being taken in as well. Overall there are 16 POIs so the map is still large enough to hold all players and provide enough loot.


Ranked rewards, the Skydive Trails will be gone and will be replaced with banner frames that will never expire. Promotion Trials give you five trial attempts to try and complete winning a match or placing in the top 10 3 times and get 3 kills or assists three times to rank up.

When you reach the top of a rank tier, you’ll be presented with the Promotion Trials and you’ll have the chance to earn your new rank if you complete the trials. If you fail, you’ll be given another chance once you work your way back up to the top.

Each time you attempt the trial after failing, you’ll be given another game on top of the five attempts to try and complete the Promotion Trials. So your attempts could climb from 5 games to a total of 10 if you’ve been struggling. There will no longer be any party restrictions for players at any rank level in a full squad so anyone of any rank can play with whoever they want.

Weapon Meta Changes

In terms of weapon changes, not too much is being adjusted but there are some weapons getting slight nerfs and buffs. The Charge Rifle will be adjusted to have better usability at range, the Bochek Bow has faster draw speed and a tightened blast pattern. The Hemlock’s overall damage was reduced.

The 30-30’s hipfire spread was increased with successive shots so it can’t be spammed. The Wingman is now a Care Package weapon that comes with a Digi Threat, damage buff, Skullpiercer, and Boosted Loader.

All Care Package drops will include one weapon, so you’re really incentivised to at least scan each package that drops to see if you want to go and grab the weapon.

The craftable weapons will be the R301 and Volt and there will be no more Digi Threat crafting rotations and the sight will stay on ground loot for the season. The Turbocharger will be adjusted and reverted back to what it was previous to the last season.

Legend Changes

Legend changes aren’t dramatic this season. A few Legends have been adjusted after being buffed previously and general ability tuning has been applied. Catalyst will now only be able to throw down two of her tactical spikes instead of three, and the overall distance she can throw the spikes have been reduced.

Catalyst’s Ultimate will also have a longer cooldown but the wall will have a shorter time being active. Bangalore’s been nerfed and the duration of her Passive Double-Time has been reduced and her Smoke grenades won’t persist in the environment as long either.

Pathfinder will be able to scan Care Packages even after their teammate has scanned it, allowing him to recharge his Ultimate. The biggest Legend adjustment is Revenant. Revenant’s Ultimate extension time (where if he downs an enemy his shield is recovered) has been reduced from 30 seconds to 3.

Vantage’s Ultimate grants her six sniper bullets as opposed to five and Newcastle’s Ultimate has an increase in max leap height and the cooldown on his Ultimate is shorter.

Cross Progression

In order to enable cross progression for Apex, all you have to do is log-in and a confirmation will pop up for you to accept. All accounts will be consolidated into one account under your EA ID. All cosmetics and the highest rank will be combined into one. It’s a painless procedure and now you’ll be able to earn XP for your battlepass and get rewards on any platform.

Apex Legends Season 19 Ignite launches October 31st on all platforms.

Stella is a Video Producer, Host, and Editor at IGN. Her gameplay focus is on competitive FPS games and she’s previously reviewed Apex Legends, Hyper Scape, Halo Infinite Multiplayer, and Battlefield 2042. She regularly hosts and shoutcasts competitive Apex Legends and Halo Infinite tournaments when she isn’t streaming on her Twitch channel after work outs. You can follow her on Twitter @ParallaxStella.

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