Digimon TCG Players can look forward to the 14th main set expansion with BT14 English Release. Bonus cards in the form of box toppers and campaign rares can be found in English versions. While BT14 has been available in the east for some time now, the west will receive it very soon. Here are the top cards and box toppers to collect!
Source: Jetpack Comics
BT14 English Box Toppers
As always, the main booster sets include a Box Topper pack containing one of 6 cards. This time, foiled versions of the 6 Digi-Eggs introduced in BT14 will be distributed inside all booster sets for those purchasing a full box.
In addition to this, the Japanese 3rd Anniversary Survey Pack will be included as a Box Topper. The pack contains promos: Shadramon P-110, Knightmon P-111, Morphomon P-112, RustTyrannomon ACE P-113, Diaboromon ACE P-114 and SKullKnightmon P-115. As well as the 2 Box Toppers, booster box buyers will be given one Training Card of each color. These powerful cards will see widespread play across many decks.
Source: Digimon TCG
Chase Cards
The two chase cards from the Japanese release, WarGreymon ACE and MetalGarurumon ACE, will feature their alternative arts as low pull rate chase cards in BT14 English. These 2 cards, introduced in English as Box Toppers for BT13, and properly in their respective Starter Decks, featured the chase card alt arts as part of the Starter Decks themselves.
So, instead, new cards have received Alt Arts for the English release. The pull rates of these cards is yet to be confirmed. However, regular alt arts of the four selected cards are available in the set. For those that aren’t quite so lucky. At the time of writing, ACE cards MetalGreymon, Zudomon, MagnaAngemon and Lillymon will have 2 Alt Arts for BT14 English play. The English exclusive versions are drawn by western artists Dan Mora, Emiliano Santalucia, CHAMBA, and Gosha respectively.
These 4 artists previously have won 2nd place or higher in previous official Digimon art contests.
Another Altered Format
With the upcoming release of the Digimon Adventure 02 Movie, new support for the 02 cast has been scheduled for the Digimon TCG. Protagonist Davis Motomiya and his partner Veemon receive new support alongside Imperialdramon ACE.
Playable in Demo Decks being handed out at NYCC 2023, these boxes are being given to stores. These will be given to players purchasing boxes of BT4 while stocks last. The Demo Decks contain cards from the BT12 DNA Digivolution engine alongside Promo Davis & Veemon and a new Blue Memory Boost Alt Art. Movie character Lui Ohwada and partner Ukkomon will also debut here.