I’m begging you, Riot, please fix VALORANT’s broken Platinum rank
I’m begging you, Riot, please fix VALORANT’s broken Platinum rank

“You guys have Ultimates, too. Why don’t you go kill somebody?” Chamber, with an activated Tour De Force, argued as I pointed out his mistake. The only other ultimates we had were Harbor’s Reckoning and Sage’s Ressurection. It was an eco round, and Chamber chose to sit in the corner with a potent sniper looking nowhere while my duo and I tackled a rushing bunch of defenders with Classics. This is what Platinum looks like in VALORANT.

You would expect players close to reaching one of the top four VALORANT ranks to have the most basic game sense, but it’s a big ask these days. I run into Platinum players, moments away from ranking up to Diamond, refusing to play tactically and then throwing a five-vs-two advantage. 

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