OG steals the show at TI 2023 with N0tail and Gorgc Dota 2 hub
OG steals the show at TI 2023 with N0tail and Gorgc Dota 2 hub

Veteran Dota 2 fans who may remember 2014’s “TI Hub” have been given a hit of nostalgia during the Road to The International this week, with OG legend Johan “N0tail” Sundstein hosting his own version of the casual coverage stream alongside the likes of Grubby, Gorgc, and pieliedie.

This hub stream, hosted on both Gorgc’s and OG’s Twitch channels, emerged as the ultimate way to keep up with TI 2023’s group stage. With four series happening simultaneously, the hub stream picked out their choice for which match seemed the most entertaining while providing top-tier insight.

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