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Digimon Quartzmon TCG and How to Beat It

Quartzmon is one of the more divisive card in the Digimon TCG. With its powerful lockdown effects for both small and wide boards, Quartzmon has been a mainstay since its inclusion. Evolving for 6 over any Black, Green or White Megas, OR any Level 5 with “Save” in its text. With it strength and splashability, many decks, both good and/or gimmicky can make good use of this card. Sometimes to the point of calling it the Quartzmon TCG. This guide should help players struggling to beat Quartzmon.

Quartzmon TCG details

Source: Digimon Card Game

BT12-057 Quartzmon is a Super Rare (SR) Green Level 7 Digimon, with a Play Cost of 16 and 15000 DP. Its Digivolution Requirements are “Green/Black/White Level 6” for 6 cost. Or “From Level 5 with Save in text” for 9.

[When Digivolving] Suspend all other Digimon and all Tamers. Then, for every 2 suspended Digimon and Tamer in play, gain 1 memory.
[All Turns] All other Digimon and Tamers don’t unsuspend.
[When Attacking] Suspend 1 of your opponent’s Digimon or Tamers. Then, trash the top card of your opponent’s security stack for every 5 suspended Digimon and Tamers.

How to beat Quartzmon – They Can’t Quartz You If They’re Dead

Quartzmon has no Protection, this makes it susceptible to removal. Colors with access to strong removal such as Purple, Red, Blue will likely give up their turn to do so.

But have strong single target options to remove it and hope another doesn’t show up. Black decks notoriously struggle into Green, and Quartzmon is no exception. De-Digivolve is a frequent form of interaction, sometimes at a much chaper cost than straight removal. De-Digivolving even by 1 can be enough to help you start unsuspending and starting to crack back.

Preventing the Quartzmon Digimon from arriving

This is easier said than done depending on the deck. Bloomlordmon and the army of plants frequently use Quartzmon. Often, if you beat Quartzmon, the 2nd one shows up soon after, as Bloomlordmon going into Quartz to lock down the field usually doesn’t pass too much memory, making it difficult to answer. Outspeeding a Quartzmon is usually the best way to beat Quartzmon, or one of your own to lock down both sides of the board.

In most cases, Quartzmon needs to go over a full level 6 climb, so preventing a stack from even reaching 6 (in most cases) is a great preventative measure. If board control isn’t your thing, aim for speed.

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