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Lunar Bout 2023 Highlights KoF and Samurai Shodown in FGC Event

This weekend we’ve got quite a few FGC events taking place, but Lunar Bout 2023 is one of the most unique. This is a fighting game esports tournament that’s highlighting a few of the better titles in the King of Fighters series. There are quite a few events taking place at the moment with a focus on newer titles like SF 6 and MK 1. However, tournaments like Lunar Bout add some much-needed diversity to the titles. We’re going to see five games which don’t pop up quite as much get shown off here.

Lunar Bout is a New York tournament taking place over October 7-10th. It’s a part of the SWC 2023 event. A regional qualifier which will contribute to the year’s end World Championship final. This is what you can expect at the event, taking place October 7-8th in New York.


Lunar Bout 2023 Tournaments

King of Fighters XV

KoF is one of the biggest fighting games and the latest in the series. It’s a tournament with an impressive prize pool for Lunar Bout, with a total of $1,440 plus a bonus pot of $1,000 coming directly from SNK to support their biggest fighter. As a regional qualifier, there’s plenty at stake at this event. Some great players are turning up too like Yurikov and Crazy Salvl.

Samurai Shodown

It’s not just KoF at Lunar Bout 2023, there’s also a fun event scheduled for Samurai Shodown. The 2019 fighter is getting a rollback netcode update very soon, and this will be an interesting chance to see a lesser-featured title played at this level.

Other Games at Lunar Bout 2023

These are the two main tournaments at the event. Alongside these though, there are quite a few other games showing up at Lunar Bout 2023. We’ve got some older KoF games getting full tournaments, like King of Fighters 2002 UM and KoF ’98. We’re also going to see an outing for Garou: Mark of the Wolves.

Lunar Bout 2023 will be an exciting chance to see some of these older titles getting played in a pro-level setting, it’ll definitely be worth checking in and seeing how the major tournaments went.

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