Twitch fans are offering over $1,000 to use the Golden Kappa emote for one year
Twitch fans are offering over $1,000 to use the Golden Kappa emote for one year

QTCinderella’s Gala for Good saw streamers unite to raise funds for the protection of rainforests. While content creators brought special items from their own homes for fans to bid on, one item has grabbed the attention of Twitch fans everywhere—the special Golden Kappa emote. 

Streamers from far and wide gathered together in Los Angeles for the Gala on Oct. 1, bringing special items from their homes to auction off to fans. From Ludwig’s sealed Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time game signed by the creators in attendance to OfflineTV member Scarra’s special TFT Air Force Ones brought by BaboAbe, there’s plenty for everyone to bid on. 

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