Mortal Kombat 1 has only been out a short time but it’s already seeing quite a few major events. One player has just discovered something which could be one of the most annoying features of future tournaments. Ninjakilla, a well-known MK player, has discovered a lengthy combo for Shang Tsung.
Learning combos are the bread and butter of getting better at fighting games. Being able to string moves together to keep your opponent locked in during the fight is vital for winning more rounds. Most characters have a decent number of combos, but combos of this length are a different story. Being able to lock an opponent into taking damage for quite this long is a game-changer. It can reduce combos in the game down to who can get their set-up going first. What is the new Shang Tsung combo though and is it a game changer for the character?
Source: @212ninjakilla, Twitter
Ninjakilla Shows Off Shang Tsung Combo
The new combos from Shang Tsung found by Ninjakilla makes use of a fire move which can get the opponent into the air being juggled. The combo is particularly dangerous though as when the player begins to drop back down they can be put back up there again. In theory, this could be chained for quite a while. In the clip Ninjakilla showed off on Twitter, we saw the combo run for quite a while dealing serious damage in the process.
A few other fighting game pros reacted to the combo when posted on Twitter. M80 SF 6 player EndingWalker reacted, saying if he encountered the combo he would be “Putting my pad down and making a coffee probably”. Showing how inescapable this chain seems to be. The new combo might be enough to bring Shang Tsung quite a bit up the MK 1 Tier Lists soon.
These kinds of combos are fun to discover and pull off. In games though they can quickly become frustrating. If there’s a way for players to chain combos together like this in esports games it could become a pretty annoyingly dominant part of the character’s kit.