How to perform executions in CoD Mobile – Fast & Simple Guide

Activision keeps adding new content to CoD Mobile to keep players engaged. Now, in the Season 6, 2023 update of the game, the developer has added Executions into the game. If you are a Call of Duty veteran, you might know what these are. If not, though, then it’s a slick animation to take your enemies out.

If you are wondering how to perfect executions with ease in CoD Mobile, we have got you covered.

How to perform Executions in CoD Mobile?

Executions can be done in-game by sneaking up and behind enemies and pressing the “execute” button. Make sure you have the setting enabled in your game, though, to perform the execution.

This can be done in the Settings. Head over to the gear button on the top right of your home screen. In the new menu that appears, click on MP mode. Scroll down a little bit and you will see the option for a quick knife. Make sure to enable it. Then, the execution settings will be unlocked on your device.

There are two options for performing executions in CoD Mobile. One is the one-tap and the other is the long press. Based on your control placements, you can select either option.

Once it’s enabled, you can now perform executions in matches. The button only appears when you are up close and behind enemies. It doesn’t work if you are standing beside them or are in front. Simply click on the Execute button and you will enter the execution animation to take down your enemy.

3 Tips for performing executions in COD Mobile

Be sneaky and quick: Executions only work when you are directly behind the enemy. Thus, it’s important to be sneaky and quick when you are performing executions. You might want to use the one-tap setting for executions as it will allow you to be quicker with performing them.
Place your execute button in the right place: Lastly, make sure you have your execute button placed in the right place in your HUD. This can also be done in the control settings. We recommend increasing its size and placing it in the center of the screen to be quick with it.
Don’t die: This might seem counterintuitive but it’s one of the main tips for performing executions in CoD Mobile. While you are in the animation, you are visible to other enemies and they can shoot you down. There is a cancel button, though, which you can use in situations like these.

Head over to CoD Mobile and bully your enemies with your sneak and stealth prowess.

Read next: How to play CoD Mobile on PC

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