Apex Legends squad fill problems have players dreaming of a solo mode
Apex Legends squad fill problems have players dreaming of a solo mode

If you’re tired of landing teammates who prefer to be lone wolves in a competitive game like Apex Legends, you’re not the only one. Apex has attracted many detached players lately, who prefer dropping alone and dying first only to start a new game, leaving their team to fend for themselves. This isn’t the experience you want in a team-centric game, and players are now wishing they had a solo-only mode to avoid such nuisances.

A Reddit post on July 5 shed light on the casual mode’s unfavorable condition, where most players drop into the map alone, take reckless fights, die within the first few minutes, and leave the match. Besides urging players to turn on the “No Fill” option, the author of the thread said, “Just go and die on your own time, don’t fuck up my play time because you are a selfish prick.”

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