PS5’s Prestige Pivot Makes The Innovative Games Stand Out

While Sony’s shuttering of Concrete Genie developer PixelOpus earlier in May wasn’t making headlines the way yesterday’s PlayStation Showcase announcement of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake did, it still hangs over the PlayStation brand like a dark cloud, even when Sony’s showing an hour’s worth of upcoming games.Read more...

While Sony’s shuttering of Concrete Genie developer PixelOpus earlier in May wasn’t making headlines the way yesterday’s PlayStation Showcase announcement of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake did, it still hangs over the PlayStation brand like a dark cloud, even when Sony’s showing an hour’s worth of upcoming games.Read more...

While Sony’s shuttering of Concrete Genie developer PixelOpus earlier in May wasn’t making headlines the way yesterday’s PlayStation Showcase announcement of the Metal Gear Solid 3 remake did, it still hangs over the PlayStation brand like a dark cloud, even when Sony’s showing an hour’s worth of upcoming games.

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