Reduce Your Screen Time With These Video Game-Inspired Board Games

Between my PC, PS5, Switch, GameCube (yeah, I still have one of those), iPhone, and my friend’s Xbox 360 (yeah, he still has one of those), it’s hard not to feel completely boxed in by screens leaking evil, sleep-disrupting blue light. Though I like playing games every day, I also have screen fatigue, and I’ve been…Read more...

Between my PC, PS5, Switch, GameCube (yeah, I still have one of those), iPhone, and my friend’s Xbox 360 (yeah, he still has one of those), it’s hard not to feel completely boxed in by screens leaking evil, sleep-disrupting blue light. Though I like playing games every day, I also have screen fatigue, and I’ve been…Read more...

Between my PC, PS5, Switch, GameCube (yeah, I still have one of those), iPhone, and my friend’s Xbox 360 (yeah, he still has one of those), it’s hard not to feel completely boxed in by screens leaking evil, sleep-disrupting blue light. Though I like playing games every day, I also have screen fatigue, and I’ve been…

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