ALGS Server Crashes Ruin Pro Apex Sessions

The ALGS is the biggest event on the competitive calendar for Apex esports, but it’s had some problems. Not for the first time, a week’s worth of Apex matches have been completely derailed. This time by both in-game problems and server bugs. While most games have a few bugs that need to get fixed in patch notes, Apex has big problems. There has been issues in keeping basic functionality up and running during their huge tournaments. Apex pros have responded to the ALGS server crashes by branding the recent epsorts of the game as a circus and a joke.

ALGS Server Crashes

The most recent batch of ALGS events has been plagued by problems with the current Season 16 build of the game. The last round of North American and EMEA matches saw loads of ALGS server crash. Players were forced to restart games during the round, without much of an option for recreating the situation that existed before the server crash.

It left teams just having to re-do entire matches, potentially losing a big advantage they’d gained previously. Pros didn’t react either, they’ve been pretty honest in their assessment of the current state of affairs.

Servers are joke. Not even close to esports, more like circus

— 9impulse (@9Impu1se) March 18, 2023

The big problem with the ALGS server crashes and other bugs is that it hinders competitive integrity. When there’s potential for a server forcing a redo completely outside of your own control how much does skill matter? We’re a good way through this stage of the ALGS, and problems like this have the potential to cast a shadow over the entire ALGS.

Apex’s Ongoing Competitive Issues

Apex Legends Global Series runs for a fair bit of the year with high-level tournaments happening regularly. With a constantly updated game though, this can cause issues with the title not being 100% stable on every single session. Apex is currently experiencing problems with an event tracker, but this is a much bigger problem. The servers going down midway through a tournament is an embarrassing incident.

It’s far from the first time the ALGS has been impacted by bugs and crashes too. Not being able to keep the game up and running during these events is going to turn off pros. The backlash the organizers have gotten is definitely justified. Replaying matches could mean some teams have performed better in these events than they would have, and it draws the entire competitive integrity of the ALGS into question.

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