Seven Bonkers Minecraft Mods That Will Throw You Into A New Level Of Madness

Minecraft is a game of infinite customization, where players attempt to push boundaries on what can and cannot be done in a video game. The game has been used to recreate the entire country of Denmark, as an educational tool to introduce children to programming, and even has applications in secondary school science…Read more...

Minecraft is a game of infinite customization, where players attempt to push boundaries on what can and cannot be done in a video game. The game has been used to recreate the entire country of Denmark, as an educational tool to introduce children to programming, and even has applications in secondary school science…Read more...

Minecraft is a game of infinite customization, where players attempt to push boundaries on what can and cannot be done in a video game. The game has been used to recreate the entire country of Denmark, as an educational tool to introduce children to programming, and even has applications in secondary school science…

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