Free Hearthstone Decks for New and Returning players updated for Murder at Castle Nathria Expansion

If you want to try out Hearthstone for the first time, or if you have been away and want to come back, check out these Free Decks. After the launch of Murder at Castle Nathria expansion, Hearthstone updated the Free Decks given to new and returning players. Check if you are eligible, what these decks contain, and how to get them here!

The Hearthstone team has confirmed that free decks are no longer limited to one deck per account. This means that if you have received a free deck in the past, but you spent over 120 days without logging in, you will be eligible once again to get one!

How to get a Free Deck?

You got it right Hearthstone is giving out Free Decks for new players to try the game or for returning players to catch up. This is a great time to start or return to the game. Murder at Castle Nathria, the second expansion of the Year of the Hydra launches on August 2nd. This means that getting a free deck will boost your collection enough for you to be competitive and start farming new packs.

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To be eligible for a Free Deck, you need to create a brand new Hearthstone account, complete the tutorial, the Starter Questline, and graduate from the New Player Ranks (40-1). But wait, if you haven’t been active in the last 120 days, you will also be eligible for Hearthstone Free Deck.

How to choose a Hearthstone Free Deck?

Eligible players will get to choose from 10 different Hearthstone Free Decks, so which is the best one? This is a tricky question to answer, the first thing you need to think about is what you enjoy playing. Most of the time is better to choose the deck you enjoy the most rather than the most powerful.

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If you are a budget player and don’t want to invest your resources, we bring you 9 deck options to enjoy Hearthstone before the meta settles.


If you are new to Hearthstone, I’d recommend you to go for a Tempo/Aggresive archetype, these Free Decks are the best introduction to the game basics. On the other hand, if you are a returning player that wants to nourish your collection, you might want to go for the ones with the “most Arcane Dust value”.

Every Hearthstone Free Deck

Demon Hunter – Abyssal Assault

Fish are friends, but you’re going to be food for these nasty Naga! And don’t think about sneaking by, because Xhilag of the Abyss can see everything with its Stalks.

Code: AAECAea5AwSHiwS1swT7vwT+vwQNwvEDifcDjPcD9fgDhI0Etp8E0p8EtKAEjrAEiLIEmLoEssEEwMoEAA==

Demon Hunter – Abyssal Assault

Xhilag of the Abyss

Play Style: Aggro, easy to play. Develop your board every turn and deliver damage from hand with powerful Demon Hunter Spells and Weapons. Value: High – 3 Legendaries (Kurtrus, Demon-Render, Lady S’theno and Xhilag of the Abyss), and 4 Epics (Amalgam of the Deep ×2 and Felgorger ×2)Powerlevel: High. It can be upgraded to a Tier 1 competitive deck with Jace.

Druid – Vanndar’s Reinforcements

Ramp your mana or play Vanndar Stormpike early to get out huge threats to win the game!


Druid – Vanndar’s Reinforcements

Vanndar Stormpike

Play Style: ABig deck. Stall the early game while ramping to your impactful minions.Value: Average – 3 Legendaries (Wildheart Guff, Kazakusan and Raid Boss Onyxia), and 2 Epics (Spammy Arcanist x2)Powerlevel: Low.

Hunter – Beasts of the Deep

Go fishing for big beasts with Harpoon Gun and keep them coming with Selective Breeder, Revive Pet, and Pet Collector!


Hunter – Beasts of the Deep

Play Style: Midrange. Develop your early game minions while you set up your tempo swings with big beasts coming out cheap or even free.Value: Low – 2 Legendaries (Beaststalker Tavish and Hydralodon) and 1 Epic (School Teacher)Powerlevel: Medium

Mage – Techtonic Titans

The beasts of the deep are no match for Ini Stormcoil’s mechanical marvels! Swarm the board and use Gaia, the Techtonic to upgrade your fleet.


Mage – Techtonic Titans

Play Style: Midrange. Play stats every turn trying to overwhelm your opponent. As a side gameplan, you have Mecha-Shark tempo-swing potential and the Drakefire Amulet-Balinda Stonehearth combo.Value: Medium – 3 Legendaries (Gaia, the Techtonic, Balinda Stonehearth and Ini Stormcoil) 2 Epcis (Amalgam of the Deep ×2)Powerlevel: Medium

Paladin – Popping Bubbles – Free Hearthstone Deck

Ini Stormcoil is an engineering genius! Use technology like The Leviathan to sift through the seafloor and see what you can dig up.


Paladin – Popping Bubbles

Play Style: Midrange. A solid and straightforward tempo deck for climbing up the ladder with 2 key legendaries for the class. Excellent choice for new players.Value: Average – 2 Legendaries (The Leviathan and Lightforged Cariel) and 6 Epics (Amalgam of the Deep ×2, Radar Detector ×2 and Stonehearth Vindicator ×2)Powerlevel: Medium

Priest – How Illuminating

Put on your finest Serpent Wig and you’ll be shining bright! Take advantage of the Naga’s spellcasting abilities to overwhelm your opponent.

Code: AAECAa0GAomyBJbUBA6H9wOtigSEowSJowTtsQSEsgSIsgSktgSltgSntgSHtwSWtwSywQT10wQA

Priest – How Illuminating

Play Style: A solid competitive deck with minion-spell synergies. Good choice for returning players who already understand the fundamentals of the game.Value: Low – 1 Legendary (Priestess Valishj) and 8 Epics (Serpent Wig ×2, Shadow Word: Devour ×2, Amalgam of the Deep ×2 and School Teacher ×2)Powerlevel: High

Rogue – Jackpot!

Generate random cards to try to hit the jackpot! Tess Greymane and Contraband Stash let you double down on powerful cards you get.

Code: AAECAaIHBKH5A/uKBNu5BIukBQ2q6wP+7gP09gO9gAT2nwT3nwS6pAT7pQTspwT5rAS3swTVtgT58QQA

Rogue – Jackpot!

Play Style: Invent a game plan while you discover cards from other classes. Hard deck to master but incredibly fun given that every game is different.Value: Low – 3 Legendaries (Maestra of the Masquerade, Queen Azshara and Shadowcrafter Scabbs)Powerlevel: High. Can be a Tier 1 deck with a few upgrades (Crabatoa).

Shaman – Murloc Overload – Free Hearthstone Deck

Overwhelm your opponents with murlocs, murlocs, and more murlocs. Then, finish them off with Nofin Can Stop Us, Bloodlust, or Bru’kan of the Elements!


Shaman – Murloc Overload

Play Style: Aggressive deck. Try to overwhelm the opponent with your Murloc synergies and the powerful Clownfish discounts. Simple deck for new players.Value: Average – 3 Legendaries (Firemancer Flurgl, Cookie the Cook and Bru’kan of the Elements), and 2 Epics (Amalgam of the Deep ×2)Powerlevel: Average. The list is a couple of legendaries away from the Tier 1 Control Shaman.

Warlock – Mrglock – Free Hearthstone Deck

Create a massive Murloc army with the help of Chum Bucket. With Life Tap, you’ll never stop mrgl’n.


Warlock – Mrglock

Play Style: Another Murloc aggressive deck ideal for newcomers and players who want to master Hearthstone fundamentals.Value: Low – 2 Legendaries (Sir Finley, Sea Guide and Gigafin) and 3 Epics (Amalgam of the Deep ×2 and Chum Bucket ×2)Powerlevel: Low

Warrior – Raid the Docks

All aboard! Complete your questline by playing Pirates to set sail on The Juggernaut and blow your opponent out of the water!


Warrior – Raid the Docks

Play Style: Tempo. Extremely easy to play, this deck is ideal for new players. An almost full minion deck to learn the importance of tempo and value trades.Value: Average – 3 Legendaries (Raid the Docks, Mr. Smite and Nellie, the Great Thresher), and 2 Epics (Amalgam of the Deep x2)Powerlevel: Low. Warrior decks are not performing great at the moment.

To sum up

Finally, time for conclusions. So after all this, which Free Deck should you choose? The answer is the one that fits your needs. Do you have a preferred playstyle? Are you new to the game and need to learn the basics? Are you returning and want to nourish your collection? Those are the questions that will lead you to your correct answer.

One last thing to mention. If you already have any of the cards included in the Hearthstone Free Deck of your choice, don’t worry, you are not losing value. You will get the Arcane Dust for the copies you already own.

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If you found this article useful, make sure you check our Hearthstone’s Guide section for more tips. See you next time in the tavern.

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