Steam’s (Formerly) ‘Most Hyped’ Zombie Game Is In The Weirdest Legal Battle

For a while now—or at least until last month, when it was delisted—The Day Before was one of the most hotly-anticipated games on Steam. That was until the wheels started falling off the project, with a delay announced, doubts raised over whether its gameplay footage was even real and now a legal dispute over the…Read more...

For a while now—or at least until last month, when it was delisted—The Day Before was one of the most hotly-anticipated games on Steam. That was until the wheels started falling off the project, with a delay announced, doubts raised over whether its gameplay footage was even real and now a legal dispute over the…Read more...

For a while now—or at least until last month, when it was delisted—The Day Before was one of the most hotly-anticipated games on Steam. That was until the wheels started falling off the project, with a delay announced, doubts raised over whether its gameplay footage was even real and now a legal dispute over the…

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