ImperialHal and Yuki’s breathtaking ALGS duel is what Apex Legends is all about

The Apex Legends Global Series Split One Playoffs are in full swing, and the LAN tournament is proving once again how exciting Apex esports can be. Every game, moment, and even every bullet can mean the difference between winning and losing everything—and as TSM and Alliance found out, it literally can come down to every single bullet.

TSM entered their last lobby of the Group Stage with qualification for the Winners Bracket tomorrow basically assured. Still, the team is led by one of the most competitive players in Apex, ImperialHal, and anything less than excellence in their last lobby would be considered a failure. Alliance had struggled through the Group Stage, on the other hand. The European heavyweight had to deal with a POI contest against APAC North squad Flora on every World’s Edge game they played, and big-point games proved hard to come by. So when the two squads met as the last two remaining during game four of their lobby, both teams gave everything they had to the fight.

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