Mass Effect 5: Everything we know

When is Mass Effect 5, and what will it be about? BioWare’s Mass Effect series is one of the most beloved RPG series out there, telling a sprawling and hugely ambitious space opera tale of extragalactic invaders and heroes helping each other to survive through desperate circumstances. Mass Effect 5 was announced back in November 2020, and since then BioWare has kept the excitement alive with a very slow dripfeed of footage and images with hidden secrets inside each one.

Below we’ll pull together everything that BioWare has released so far on their untitled in-development RPG, and use it to walk you through everything we know about Mass Effect 5. We’ll go over when to expect the game, when it’s set, what the story might be about, and what the gameplay might be like – and we’ll also break down and analyse the teaser trailer and poster that the devs have released for all the hidden clues they contain.

Note: major spoilers for Mass Effect 3 follow.

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