After a rather uneventful preseason, Riot is looking to bring major champion and item changes with the League Patch 13.2, to the point where it can be considered a second preseason. Let’s see why.
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Early League Patch 13.2 patch notes
Riot are making big changes to champions, items, and even runes. If you don’t want to check out all the numbers, you’ll find our recap of the major buffs that will likely shake up the meta in the patch. If you want to know exactly what’s happening, feel free to check out the numbers at the end.
Aside from the Ahri ASU, Riot is buffing Annie with the hopes of bringing her back into the meta. Not only that but the balance team is also buffing mana on most ADCs, which should help them have more chances of using spells during the early mid game. Having said that, the big change is the crit chance change to the Infinity Edge: it will now activate the passive at 40% crit chance, meaning that ADC will have a much stronger second item spike. Expect bully lanes like Draven and Caitlyn to be even stronger since they can full advantage of that.
Speaking of items, there are also big changes to the fighter items. Omnivamp is gone and the AD items will have more ability haste and lifesteal to compensate for that. While it may be a big deal, there aren’t many meta champions utilizing Eclipse or Goredrinker and the other legendary items: the impact might not be as big as it seems, especially considering that tanks and Radiant Virtue is the strongest item in the current meta. We’ll have to see whether this change will make a difference for fighters and bruisers.
Lastly, Riot is reverting the Grievous Wounds changes. Considered too low, they have decided to raise the heal reduction to 40% in most scenarios, without having to rely on special effects. This is going to be much more impactful, especially now that healing is basically everywhere in the game.
As a result, bruisers will deal more damage but be less durable overall since their sustain will be based on auto attacks now and not on spells. Unfortunately, it’s still early to say how the meta will change. One thing is certain, however, we will have a major meta shift in League patch 13.2, mostly in the ADC role and maybe in the jungle.
Champion changes in League Patch 13.2
Art and Sustainability Update (ASU) shipped.
Updated ability icons.
Complete visual update across all skins.
New splash artwork for Midnight Ahri, Foxfire Ahri, Popstar Ahri, and Challenger Ahri.
Adjusted splash artwork for the rest of the skins.
Updated sound effects.
New voice-over.
New lore.
Q mana cost: 60-100 >>> 55-95, ability power ratio reduced from 45% >>> 40%.
E cooldown: 14 seconds >>> 12 seconds, Charm duration 1.2 to 2 seconds >>> 1.4 to 2 seconds.
R cooldown: 140-90 seconds >>> 130-80 seconds.
Passive now set to full stacks on game start and respawn.
W mana cost: 90-110 >>> 70-110.
New E ability: Now deals damage when taking any damage, but only once per enemy per cast.
Reflected E damage: 20-60 (+20%AP) >>> 20-60 (+40% AP). Base shield: 40-220 >>> 60-220. Decay of haste decreased from 50% >>> 15-35%.
Ultimate (Tibbers) health: 1300-3100 >>> 1300-3100 (+75% AP), resistances: 30-90 >>> 30-90 (+5% AP).
Mana scaling: 32 >>> 35.
Mana regen scaling: 4 >>> 6.5.
Mana scaling: 35 >>> 40.
Mana regen scaling: 5.5 >>> 7.
Mana regen scaling: 0.65 >>> 1.
W mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70.
Base mana: 245 >>> 260.
Mana growth: 45 >>> 50.
W mana cost: 50-90 >>> 50-70.
Base mana 344.88 >>> 345.
Mana scaling: 38 >>> 40.
Mana regen scaling: 0.45 >>> 0.7.
Base mana: 349 >>> 340.
Mana growth: 38 >>> 45.
Base mana regen:8.18 >>> 8.
Mana regen growth: 0.7 >>> 0.85.
Miss Fortune
Mana growth: 35 >>> 40.
Mana regen: 8.05 >>> 8.
Mana regen growth: 0.65 >>> 0.8.
W damage to shielding conversion: 15% >>> 7.5%.
Q passthrough damage changed from 10% less per enemy after the first, capped at 60%, to 30% less for each enemy after the first.
W cost: 70-110 >>> 70-90.
R damage: 200-350 + 80% AP >>> 250-450 + 90% AP.
Mana regen growth: 0.4 >>> 0.7.
Mana scaling: 40 >>> 45.
W mana cost: 60-80 >>> 60 at all levels.
W cast wind-down time removed.
Base mana: 287.2 >>> 300.
Mana regen scaling: 0.45 >>> 0.7.
Mana regen scaling: 0.75 >>> 0.8.
E now shreds 20-30% MR when target falls asleep (until they wake up).
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Items (ADC, Fighter and Grevious Wounds) changes in League Patch 13.2
Archangel’s Staff
Tooltip now notes it as being unique with other “Lifeline” items.
Black Cleaver
Health: 350 >>> 400.
Attack damage: 45 >>>50.
Blade of the Ruined King
Proc cooldown: 20 seconds >>> 30 seconds.
Proc damage: 40-150 >>> 40-103.
Lifesteal: 18% >>> 15%.
Shield: 50-320 scaling from level one >>> 180-450 scaling from level nine.
Total cost: 3400 >>> 3200.
Bramble Vest
Reflect damage: 4 >>> 6.
Passive GW on hit: 25% >>> 40%.
Chempunk Chainsword
Passive GW applied on physical damage increased from 25% >>> 40%, no longer applies 40% while below 50% health.
Chemtech Putrifier
Recipe changed to Oblivion Orb and Forbidden Idol (was previously Oblivion Orb and Bandleglass Mirror).
Combined cost: 500 >>> 375.
Passive GW: 25% >>> 40%, no longer applies 40% GW on next damage via heals and shields.
Ability haste: 20 >>> 15.
Ability power: 60 >>> 40.
Heal/Shield Power: 0% >>> 8%
Death’s Dance
Attack damage: 55 >>> 65
Armor: 45 >>> 50
Ability Haste: 15 >>> 0
Defy healing bonusAD ratio: 120% >>> 50%
Build path changed Chain Vest + Caufield’s Warhammer + Pickaxe >>> Chain Vest + Pickaxe + Pickaxe
Omnivamp: 7% >>> 0%
Ability Haste: 0 >>> 15
Ever Rising Moon shield cooldown: 8(melee)/16(ranged) >>> 6(melee)/12(ranged) seconds
Build path changed Serrated Dirk + Longsword + Vampiric Scepter >>> Serrated Dirk + Caufield’s Warhammer
Syzygy (Ornn upgrade) adjustments:
Omnivamp: 8% >>> 0%
Ability Haste added: 0 >>> 20
Essence Reaver
Attack damage: 45 >>> 55.
Combine cost: 400 (2,800 total) >>> 500 (2,900 total).
Executioner’s Calling
Passive GW on physical damage increased from 25% >>> 40%.
Attack damage: 20 >>> 15.
Health: 350 >>> 400.
Mythic passive per legendary now gives 3 ability instead of 7.
Now grants +50 health per item.
Infinity Edge
Required crit chance: 60% to 40%.
Lord Dominik’s Regards
Attack damage: 30 >>> 35.
Maw of Malmortius
Recipe changed to Hexdrinker, Pickaxe, and Long Sword (was previously Hexdrinker and Caulfield’s Warhammer).
Combined cost: 500 >>> 375
Lifeline passive no longer grants 10% over-vamp, now grants 12% lifesteal.
Ability haste: 20 >>> 0.
Attack damage: 55 >>> 65.
Recipe changed to Oblivion Orb, Hextech Alternator, and Amplyfing Tome (was previously Oblivion Orb, Blasting Wand, and Ruby Crystal.
Combined cost: 450 >>> 715.
Total cost: 2,500 >>> 3,000.
Passive now applies 40% GW on magic damage (previously applied 25% GW on magic damage, and damage below 50% health applied 40% damage.)
Health: 300 >>> 200.
Now grants 10 magic penetration.
Mortal Reminder
Recipe changed to Executioner’s Calling, Last Whisper, and Cloak of Agility (was previously Executioner’s Calling and Zeal).
Combined cost: 750 >>> 150.
Total cost: 2,600 >>> 3,000.
Passive now applies 40% GW on physical damage, up from 25% GW on physical damage. No longer applies 40% after repeat attacks on the same target.
No longer grants 7% movement speed.
No longer grants 20% attack speed.
Now grants 30% armor pen.
Is now “unique” with other Last Whisper items.
Navori Quickblades
Required crit chance: 60% >>> 40%.
Oblivion Orb
Passive GW on magic damage: 25% >>> 40%.
Ability power: 35 >>> 25.
Ravenous Hydra
Ability haste: 20 >>> 25.
No longer grants 10% omnivamp, instead grants 10% lifesteal.
In-game tooltip now notes “Cleave” will benefit from lifesteal.
Seraph’s Embrace
Tooltip now notes it as being unique with other “Lifeline” items.
Reflect damage bonus Armor scaling: 20% >>> 25%.
Passive now applies 40% GW on being hit, applies nothing on immobilizes (previously applied 25% GW on behind hit and immobilizes applied 40% Grievous Wounds.)
Armor: 60 >>> 70.
Base shield: 10 at all levels >>> 20−300 (based on level).
Shield no longer scales with 9% maximum health.
Chemtech Dragon Soul
Low-health damage reduction: 10% >>> 11%.
Low-health damage amplification: 10% >>>11%.
Chemtech Blight
Tenacity per Chemtech stack: 5% >>> 6%.
Heal and shield power per stack: 5% >>> 6%.
Shield tooltip values for Smite now updated to reflect 12.23b hotfix.
New “casual surrender” rules enabled for Normal lobbies.
After 15 minutes, a surrender with 4 votes for and 1 against will pass.
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