One of North America’s best Apex Legends players retires from competitive play

One of the longest tenured and famed North American Apex Legends players has decided to retire after three years of professional play. The Apex Legends Global Series 2022 Split One in North America marked Aidan “rocker” Grodin’s last tournament as a professional Apex competitor. The announcement came from a public post on his twitter account, where he recounted his career and cited burnout from the game as his chief reason for leaving the competitive scene.

Rocker first started playing Apex and making compilations on his Youtube channel in 2019, making videos as early as Oct.12. His talent would lead to getting picked up by an organization on May 20, 2020, when he became the newest member of NRG. He became the third member of the squad alongside Nathan “Nafen” Nguyen and current Spacestation member Joseph “Frexs” Sanchez.

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