2 small buffs could completely change Apex Legends’ weapon meta

The line between “broken” and “underpowered” is a thin one when it comes to weapon balance. In games where weapon choice matters as much as mechanical skill and positioning—games like Apex Legends—it’s important to make sure that each weapon both feels unique and stays in line with every other weapon. Small changes are often all that’s needed to raise a weapon up or take it down a peg; for this reason, balance is best achieved with a light touch, not a sledgehammer.

Because of the immense difference small changes can make, many Apex players scan the game’s patch notes religiously for weapon adjustments. These players know that even the lightest tweak can shift the game’s entire meta in a new direction. Such is the case with recent changes to two of Apex‘s oldest weapons: the Prowler Burst PDW and the Sentinel. While their respective changes might have seemed small in the wake of all the new cosmetics coming to the game with season 15’s Spellbound collection event, a closer look reveals that these updates could have major ramifications for Apex’s meta.

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