Secret Room In Switch Exclusive Lashes Out Against Dev Dysfunction

Most secret “developer rooms” in video games come in two varieties. Either they’re filled with fun development trivia (Pokémon, The Stanley Parable) or bonus bosses whom players can defeat as an easter egg (Diablo III, Vampyr). The secret room in Sports Story is neither of these. Instead, players will find a room…Read more...

Most secret “developer rooms” in video games come in two varieties. Either they’re filled with fun development trivia (Pokémon, The Stanley Parable) or bonus bosses whom players can defeat as an easter egg (Diablo III, Vampyr). The secret room in Sports Story is neither of these. Instead, players will find a room…Read more...

Most secret “developer rooms” in video games come in two varieties. Either they’re filled with fun development trivia (Pokémon, The Stanley Parable) or bonus bosses whom players can defeat as an easter egg (Diablo III, Vampyr). The secret room in Sports Story is neither of these. Instead, players will find a room…

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