Apex Legends new anti-cheating focus comes to cut down toxicity
Apex Legends new anti-cheating focus comes to cut down toxicity

Apex Legends devs have recently discussed their future plans for the game. It’s no new Legends or another new map joining the roster of the game, instead, Apex Legends anti-cheating system is going to be a focus heading forward.

Most games have some problems with cheating, especially FPS titles. What drives people to cheat in FPS games can be focusing, but if you’ve played a popular one you’ll know just how widespread it is. In free games like Warzone cheating is even more common.

When you don’t have to buy a game to play, there is little stopping players from making a fresh account just for cheating. That’s why players really have to rely on developers doing all that they can to keep the game safe. It’s not always successful, but it does look like Apex Legends anti-cheating is getting another step up as we head into Season 16 of the game.

Apex Legends Anti-Cheating Will be a Focus in 2023

Respawn, the developers behind Apex Legends, have always had a game of cat and mouse with cheaters. Better anti-cheat systems are produced, and cheaters often innovate around those tools. It’s hard to get a fully comprehensive system.

In a Battle Royale, cheaters can be particularly annoying. It’s frustrating to get taken out by a cheater beaming players inhumanly after you’ve gotten through a lengthy game and made it to the top 10 with decent loot. Respawn has been rolling out additional anti-cheating methods. Most recently with widespread ban waves that knock out major cheating accounts. However, they’re stepping it up.

Respawn developers recently discussed the problems in a recent interview. They called out toxicity as a specific problem along with Apex Legends cheating itself. Toxicity was called out as often stemming from players having to share their lobbies with brazen cheats. When players cheat, it can lead to increased toxicity perceived in the game as players react poorly. When you’re breaking the rules and others aren’t, it’s easy to get a bit toxic in dealing with other players.

Respawn is going to be stepping up their Apex Legends ant-cheating, but also their efforts on toxicity. This means they’re going to be rolling out more bans to players who act toxic in-game, but also those who are using cheating software.

Will the New Measures Be Enough?

The new Apex Legends anti-cheating measures haven’t been explained in great detail. Devs have said it’s going to be a focus to get back on top of the problem. In the past, Apex anti-cheating software has gone pretty far. They’ve even checked for other programs in use to ensure there’s no other software being used to cheat.

It looks like the anti-cheating system will be changing again though. Hopefully, it’s enough to wipe out the more recent wave of cheaters.

Apex Legends has issues with cheats, smurfs, and toxicity in pubs. But most notably it’s even a problem in Apex Legends ranked play. With developers stepping up the Apex Legends anti-cheating measures though we might start to see a fairer system in game which could also help cut down on toxicity. It’s tricky to get a fully comprehensive ban on all cheats, but stepping it up should help to keep Apex safe for a while longer.

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