Redemption Rumble – New Years Smash Event with Zain, iBDW & more

The Redemption Rumble looks set to be a great tournament. This is a Smash Bros Melee Invitational that’s bringing together some of the top players for one last tournament in 2022.

It’s debatable if the Redemption Rumble is one last Invitational at the end of the season or an early peak at 2023’s events. Either way though, it’s going to be great to see Zain, iBDW, and more getting back into Melee.

This is an Invitational event, coming up over the last few days in December. The tournament is going to see some of the top Melee players but it’s also for a good cause. The Redemption Rumble is raising some money for the Smash event organisers. This is what we can expect at the event over the next few days.

Smash Redemption Rumble

The Redemption Rumble is going to be a Smash Bros Melee tournament, with just invited players competing. There are 16 players in total, with some directly invited and others playing through the last chance qualifier. The event is going to raise money for Smash organizers as well as giving a final competition for 2022.

The roster of players is a big part of what’s so exciting about the Redemption Rumble. We’ve got some of the top Melee players in 2022 competing. That includes players who missed their chance at an end-of-year event with the Scuffed World Tour.

Format for Redemption Royale

The Redemption Royale is going to be played as just a standard Melee event. It’s a simple format and set-up. There’s only one event taking place, the Melee Singles bracket. No wasting time with Doubles or side events here.

The tournament Is starting with Pools on Friday, December 30. On Saturday, New Years Eve, the bracket plays out. That starts with the loser’s end of the bracket and progresses through until we reach the grand finale. The event will close out a few hours before midnight, but festivities at the end will keep on running until we see the New Year start-up.

Players Coming to Redemption Royale

The Redemption Royale has loads of big players attending, especially given how late in the year this all this is. 10 players are coming straight from invites given out, with another 6 joining them through the last chance qualifier.

One of the more exciting invites is Zain. He’s had a fantastic year in Melee, taking home major wins across the year like at Pound and others along with topping the Smash MPGR Rankings. He wasn’t able to attend the Scuffed World Tour though, so we never quite got our climatic matches with the player. This is one last chance to get another win into one of his biggest years in Smash Bros.

Also attending are KoDoRiN, iBDW, and Fiction. These are all players who have had strong showings across the year. iBDW stands a decent chance at getting another win too. Although, it’ll be tough for anyone to beat out Zain. These are all of the invited players at the Redemption Rumble.

Invited Directly


From Last Chance Qualifier

Bobby big ballz

The Redemption Rumble is going to be a fun last event for Melee in 2022. It’s doing more than just showing off some high-level Smash Bros though. The tournament is also going to be raising money for VGBootCamp. They were the organizers of the Smash World Tour that was unfortunately cancelled earlier this winter. Events like this and the Scuffed World Tour should go some ways towards helping them get things back up and running for the next year of competitive Smash.

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