Tesla Drivers Can Now Play Steam Games Inside Their Cars

Professional boss baby Elon Musk has a lot of…unique ideas (his recent decision to just stop paying rent on Twitter’s office as a “cost-cutting” measure stands among them), but at least he isn’t afraid to commit to the bit. After nearly a year of Musk imagining a Valve-compatible Tesla, the electric vehicle company…Read more...

Professional boss baby Elon Musk has a lot of…unique ideas (his recent decision to just stop paying rent on Twitter’s office as a “cost-cutting” measure stands among them), but at least he isn’t afraid to commit to the bit. After nearly a year of Musk imagining a Valve-compatible Tesla, the electric vehicle company…Read more...

Professional boss baby Elon Musk has a lot of…unique ideas (his recent decision to just stop paying rent on Twitter’s office as a “cost-cutting” measure stands among them), but at least he isn’t afraid to commit to the bit. After nearly a year of Musk imagining a Valve-compatible Tesla, the electric vehicle company…

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