Cloud9 head coach reveals yay as IGL

In a short clip posted to Twitter, Cloud9 head coach Matthew ‘mCe’ Elmore revealed that Jaccob ‘yay’ Whiteaker is the team’s current IGL.

With the initial announcement of Cloud9’s new roster for the 2023 season, many assumed Anthony ‘vanity’ Malaspina would continue to IGL for the team. For the offseason, and potentially moving forward, that is not the case according to Cloud9 head coach mCe.

“The IGL situation isn’t quiet what you would expect,” mCe said in a video posted on Cloud9’s Twitter.

He explained that, on top of vanity coming in with years of IGL experience, the team’s new addition Jordan ‘Zellsis’ Montemurro also has calling experience. yay also spent the past two years under the wing of one of the best IGLs when he played with Pujan ‘FNS’ Mehta on OpTic Gaming.

To address our IGL rumours

— Cloud9 VALORANT (@C9VAL) December 11, 2022

“yay told us, ‘Hey, I want to try [to IGL]. I learned alot under FNS and Chet ‘Chet’ Singh. I think I can be really good at this,’ and so we decided to give it a shot,” mCe said.

yay to lead Cloud9 at Red Bull Home Ground and potentially beyond

The Cloud9 head coach explained further that vanity and Zellsis are now secondary callers and the team is going to see how vanity can perform as a fragger without IGL responsibilities.

mCe said that yay as the Cloud9 IGL has been working out well and he is interested in seeing how his level of play and calling ability will continue to improve into the future. Cloud9 is trying out the new system in a competitive environment at Red Bull Home Ground and is set to play 100 Thieves in the grand final.

Before the event began, mCe told Dexerto that he is using this event to see what his team needs to work on and improve at before the Valorant Champions Tour circuit begins in February in Brazil in the LOCK//IN tournament.

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