NICKMERCS explains why competitive CoD matches aren't as "cracked" as battle royales

NICKMERCS used his experience in competitive Gears of War, Halo, CoD, and Apex Legends to conclude battle royales “are more cracked” than other esports titles.

Most fans recognize NICKMERCS for his successful streaming career, but he started as a Gears of War professional, winning a National Championship in 2019. He went on to play Halo professionally before dipping his toes into the competitive CoD scene in the early stages of his streaming career.

After rising to fame streaming Fortnite, NICKMERCS became an avid fan of battle royale titles. His passion led him to compete in Apex Legends, eventually qualifying for Split 1 of the ALGS Pro League.

NICKMERCS called back on his extensive background in both communities and concluded more goes into playing high-level battle royales than competing in traditional FPS games.

Respawn / EANICKMERCS and his team qualified for the ALGS Year 3 Stage 1 split.

NICMERCS explains what separates battle royales from other esports titles

In his latest YouTube video, NICMERCS argued, “I think battle royales are way more cracked than traditional CoD, Halo, or Gears of War.”

He listed strategy, rotations, timing, loot, kill potential, and positioning as key reasons for battle royales differing from traditional FPS games.

The streamer recalled playing competitive CoD, claiming to win around 500 S&D tournaments.

“There’s so much more that goes into a battle royale than maybe like a Hardpoint game or like an S&D. Although I can appreciate S&D, there’s just not as much that goes into the process as there is in a battle royale, not even close.”

Nick then spoke about his time as a Gears of War pro player, stating, “it’s not as complex” as a battle royale. He compared Gears of War to fighting a one-off 3v3 battle in Apex Legends, while in battle royales, you have to engage in similar fights continuously throughout a match.

NICKMERCS provides a rare perspective, experiencing both FPS esports genres currently competing at the highest level of Apex Legends.

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