Is a Somnus-Ame reunion a possibility?

Dota professionals have a very interesting definition of retirement. They would loosely throw the word around, spelling the end of their careers. But in reality, not many can ever truly commit to it. Take a look at Sébastien “Ceb” Debs or Anathan “ana” Pham. And now, Chinese star mid-laner Lu “Somnus” Yao might be following the same pattern.

Somnus opens up about his feelings after TI11

In a recent stream on DouYu, Somnus (also known as Maybe) opened up about his feelings regarding his loss at The International 2022 (TI11) — a loss that was especially difficult to swallow because he along with three of his teammates at Royal Never Give Up (RNG) were affected by Covid. And after grinding it out for eight years, and seven TIs, he is understandably exhausted.

Somnus, also known as Maybe, expressed his exhaustion after years of grinding (Image via Twitter)

Even though it was not official, Somnus hinted at his retirement through a rather somber post on Weibo following his elimination from TI11. In the post, he closed his statement with a chilling “Somnus out” convincing the world that he was done with his Dota career. However, this might not be the case.

Somnus hints at retirement from professional Dota 2 after TI11 elimination

The announcement came shortly after RNG were eliminated from TI11.


Somnus talks possibility of joining a new team with Ame

Somnus mentioned on his stream the idea of teaming up with Wang “Ame” Chunyu once again. While he specified that it was still too early to talk about it, he stated the possibility of joining a new team with Ame. He then talked about TI8 PSG.LGD. He believed that iteration of LGD had what it takes to win TI as they had the trust in the team just like OG, Team Spirit or Tundra Esports.

Maybe: “Chalice will continue his career next year after a break. If I come back, I will join a team that I like. Ti winners like OG, Spirit, and Tundra, trust and encourage each other. We had a team like them in TI8, but sadly we lost, and it is really difficult to rebuild it.”

— EsportsGO (@ESGO_DOTA2) December 4, 2022

Somnus plans for the future

For now, Somnus plans to focus on streaming. If a good opportunity arises, he intends to come back. However, he acknowledges that he is reaching the end of his career and will focus more on having fun playing with the people and team he likes.

(About the possible roster if he decide to come back)he said he will have ppl who he felt comfortable to play with even if that team doesn’t looks spicy enough. Cuz his career is actually running out, so he definitely wants to have fun for the rest of his career.(4/8)

— CN Dota In A Nutshell (@Tr1H4rd3rDota2) December 4, 2022

People should not live in the past and saying Chinese Dota is dead is meaningless

Somnus also addressed the community with a piece of advice, suggesting that people should look forward to the future and not live in the past. He added that people should not be too sad even if China did not win TI again, denouncing those who said Chinese Dota is dead. It has been five TIs since China’s last championship.

Cuz he think ppl should be looking forward to the future, not for the past. To be honest saying CN dota is dead or something like that is really meaningless.(8/8)

— CN Dota In A Nutshell (@Tr1H4rd3rDota2) December 4, 2022

RNG has not made any known changes to the team other than the transfer of Yap “xNova” Jian Wei to BOOM Esports. Ame is officially still a part of LGD as well. At the very least, fans can have some hope that Somnus is here to stay. Be sure to follow for more information on roster updates.

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