Former Street Fighter producer Yoshinori Ono bashes Nintendo’s handling of Smash World Tour cancelation

While the Super Smash Bros. community is always ready to bash decisions made by Nintendo when it comes to the competitive scene, it is rare to get insight from people who have actually had a hand in other esports-related spaces. So when former Street Fighter producer and long-time Capcom developer Yoshinori Ono gave his take on the sudden cancelation of the Smash World Tour last night, a lot of people started really paying attention. 

Ono worked on nearly every iteration of Street Fighter, starting as a sound programmer on Street Fighter Alpha in 1995 and working his way up to producer on Street Fighter V. During that time he was heavily involved in the competitive scene in all forms, from the arcade level in the early days all the way to modern events such as Evo and Capcom Cup. 

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