The Pokémon Company Slashes Number Of TCG Cards In Online Packs, Claims It’s ‘Optimal’

We’ve already covered a huge number of the serious issues with The Pokémon Company’s new Pokémon TCG Live, the replacement for the decade-old digital way to play the card battler, Pokémon TCG Online. But there’s one other aspect that’s gone under-reported, and astonishingly, it’s not a bug: they’ve halved the number…Read more...

We’ve already covered a huge number of the serious issues with The Pokémon Company’s new Pokémon TCG Live, the replacement for the decade-old digital way to play the card battler, Pokémon TCG Online. But there’s one other aspect that’s gone under-reported, and astonishingly, it’s not a bug: they’ve halved the number…Read more...

We’ve already covered a huge number of the serious issues with The Pokémon Company’s new Pokémon TCG Live, the replacement for the decade-old digital way to play the card battler, Pokémon TCG Online. But there’s one other aspect that’s gone under-reported, and astonishingly, it’s not a bug: they’ve halved the number…

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