Wordle answer today (Sunday 20 November)

Looking for the Wordle answer for Sunday 20 November 2022? In many ways, Wordle is a perfect game. It really can’t be improved upon when you consider what it sets out to do: provide people all over the world with a quick, two-minute puzzle that engages one’s brain and gives one the opportunity to connect socially with every other player on that day. What a marvellous creation Wordle is.

Of course, just because it takes two minutes doesn’t make it easy. Today might very well be the day that your fabulous Wordle streak comes to an unceremonious end, and you’re left wordlessly contemplating the futility of existence. Well, maybe it doesn’t go quite that far. But it’s never fun when you can’t guess the day’s Wordle in six guesses.

To that end, we’ve put together this handy guide to help you arrive at today’s Wordle answer. Read on for some carefully crafted hints that might help you find today’s solution – and if they’re too oblique for you, scroll down below the video to find the Wordle answer for today, along with a definition for those who need it.

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