Riot is unbenching the Kench in League’s 2023 preseason

Tahm Kench has been a problematic League of Legends champion since his release in 2015, mainly due to his Devour ability that can save immobile AD carries from certain death. Despite Riot Games updating the champion and sending him to the top lane, the River King has continued to be a menace in the bot lane as a support, especially when paired with Senna. To coincide with the latest preseason changes, the devs are giving this catfish one more makeover.

The final patch of the year, Patch 12.23, will toy around with bringing Zeri back to the meta and adjusting Dr. Mundo for the jungle. Aside from these changes, Riot is looking to cut down Tahm Kench’s support power as a walking Zhonya Hourglass. To do this, the devs are shipping loads of new changes that might send Tahm Kench back to the top lane again.

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