League’s preseason brings omnomnom buffs to Cho’Gath and Nunu

Cho’Gath and Nunu have always been valuable assets on a team since both of these champions can easily secure an objective with a spell that does true damage to monsters. With all the jungle changes coming to League of Legends with the preseason on Nov. 16, the balancing team are buffing Cho’Gath’s and Nunu’s damage to non-champions.

August Browning, the lead champion designer, shared on Twitter that Cho’Gath and Nunu are getting compensation buffs to help them stay competitive with the new Smites. Riot Games is increasing Cho’Gath’s Feast damage to non-champions from 1000 to 1200. Nunu, on the other hand, is getting buffs to Consume with damage dealt to monsters increased from 340-980 to 400-1200, depending on the level.

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